Title : Sum Tam (cantonese)
Singer : Joey Rong Zhu-Er
Source with thanks to qxbabybabe
Title : Chu Mai (Betray)
Singer : Joey Rong Zhu-Er
Source with thanks to Sillie6irl
Title : Sum Tam (cantonese)
Singer : Joey Rong Zhu-Er
Source with thanks to qxbabybabe
Title : Chu Mai (Betray)
Singer : Joey Rong Zhu-Er
Source with thanks to Sillie6irl
2 comments for this post
Hi Napapaboaniya,
Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Advice to bloggers regarding comment moderation, etc. I have responded to your comment.
BTW how did a Singaporean ended up with a name or nikename like Napapaboaniya. Plus your current Minister Mentor Harry aka LKY stole my former statistic lecturer Dr. CK Cheong to lead SIA to become one of the most successful, if not the most successful airlines in the world. Plus stole a lot of our talents. Our former PM (more addressing the developed countries) who are forcing us poor underdeveloped to pay high royalties for intellectual properties should pay also for stealing talents. And I think many are starting to consider Singapore a developed country.
Will like to hear your response.
Peter (Blog*Star)
(not my main blog, but forced to become a "political" blogger by necessity)
What's with the sudden topic on LKY and CK Cheong on my music blog???
Sorry,I've really got no desire to discuss political issues on my blogs. Maybe u can email me instead.
Regarding Napaboaniya, it's actually the romanised wordings for 나 바보 안니야 meaning "I'm not an Idiot".